As brands aim to build engagement with customers throughout an increasingly fragmented customer journey, customer support plays a pivotal role in enhancing the customer experience throughout the various touch points of this sales journey.

Working with established brands like Unilever, PepsiCo, Electric Ireland and Virgin, the FMI customer service teams are highly skilled to handle both inbound sales queries and also outbound services like field support, residential and business to business sales, mystery shopping, as well as providing support online via web chat.

The work done with Electric Ireland is one such example where the brand has advantageously used FMI’s customer service call centre to not only drive their client retention strategy but they also use it to support the work being done by the field sales teams, and to effectively engage and persuade the customer online.

Customer Retention

The consumer energy market is highly competitive and competitors are continuously trying to entice consumers to switch supplier. With this in mind, Electric Ireland have been working with FMI to contact and retain clients who may have been considering switching their energy supplier. Since the campaign’s inception in 2015, FMI have two dedicated calling agents on the account each day. They spend an average of about 7 minutes on each call.  For customer retention, FMI have managed to achieve a very competitive average cost per sale. By FMI taking the time to engage with clients prior to them considering switching helps the client feel assured that they are valued as a customer and reinforces the service factor they receive from their energy supplier.

Quality Assurance

To assist with the sales process completed by the field sales representative for Electric Ireland, FMI have Quality Assurance agents who follow up with the new customer to ensure that they are happy and satisfied with what they have been sold and to answer any additional questions they may have.  The objective of employing these agents is to improve the overall standard of service and consistency of experience to be in line with the quality of selling in the field. FMI carried out almost 20,000 quality checks. This touch point is particularly effective to reassure the customer that they have indeed made the right decision and gives them some reassurance of the quality of customer care they can expect from their new supplier.


This was an inbound sales campaign for Electric Ireland where customers who go onto the Electric Ireland website would be presented with the option to chat to one of our agents. Customers who started chats and then switched  to Electric Ireland would be attributed to FMI, the conversion rates with the webchat proved higher than without. Once again interacting live with customers online showcases the level of service Electric Ireland offers its customers. Being able to chat to an advisor about your queries from the comfort of your own home at a time that is suitable to you can be convenient without being intrusive.

These examples of how Electric Ireland have effectively used the FMI customer service call centre to engage their clients through the various stages of purchasing via the channels the customer chooses, makes a compelling case study for businesses who want to make customer service a clear differentiating factor.

FMI offers a state of the art customer service call centre service. If you have customer service call centre requirements please contact Gavin Spencer, our new business director by phone on 01 496 3399 or email





As brands aim to build engagement with customers throughout an increasingly fragmented customer journey, customer support plays a pivotal role in enhancing the customer experience throughout the various touch points of this sales journey.

Working with established brands like Unilever, PepsiCo, Electric Ireland and Virgin, the FMI customer service teams are highly skilled to handle both inbound sales queries and also outbound services like field support, residential and business to business sales, mystery shopping, as well as providing support online via web chat.

The work done with Electric Ireland is one such example where the brand has advantageously used FMI’s customer service call centre to not only drive their client retention strategy but they also use it to support the work being done by the field sales teams, and to effectively engage and persuade the customer online.

Customer Retention

The consumer energy market is highly competitive and competitors are continuously trying to entice consumers to switch supplier. With this in mind, Electric Ireland have been working with FMI to contact and retain clients who may have been considering switching their energy supplier. Since the campaign’s inception in 2015, FMI have two dedicated calling agents on the account each day. They spend an average of about 7 minutes on each call.  For customer retention, FMI have managed to achieve a very competitive average cost per sale. By FMI taking the time to engage with clients prior to them considering switching helps the client feel assured that they are valued as a customer and reinforces the service factor they receive from their energy supplier.

Quality Assurance

To assist with the sales process completed by the field sales representative for Electric Ireland, FMI have Quality Assurance agents who follow up with the new customer to ensure that they are happy and satisfied with what they have been sold and to answer any additional questions they may have.  The objective of employing these agents is to improve the overall standard of service and consistency of experience to be in line with the quality of selling in the field. FMI carried out almost 20,000 quality checks. This touch point is particularly effective to reassure the customer that they have indeed made the right decision and gives them some reassurance of the quality of customer care they can expect from their new supplier.


This was an inbound sales campaign for Electric Ireland where customers who go onto the Electric Ireland website would be presented with the option to chat to one of our agents. Customers who started chats and then switched  to Electric Ireland would be attributed to FMI, the conversion rates with the webchat proved higher than without. Once again interacting live with customers online showcases the level of service Electric Ireland offers its customers. Being able to chat to an advisor about your queries from the comfort of your own home at a time that is suitable to you can be convenient without being intrusive.

These examples of how Electric Ireland have effectively used the FMI customer service call centre to engage their clients through the various stages of purchasing via the channels the customer chooses, makes a compelling case study for businesses who want to make customer service a clear differentiating factor.

FMI offers a state of the art customer service call centre service. If you have customer service call centre requirements please contact Gavin Spencer, our new business director by phone on 01 496 3399 or email





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